You are so brave to share this experience. I hope you can keep looking at the changes with pride and enjoy the freedom of movement around your home. Those feelings will help motivate you to keep things relatively neat.
I definitely have too much stuff, although much of my house is neat, just sort of full. Then there's the spare room and the garage.... I've slowly been clearing out. But the process is so overwhelming, that I'll work for half a day and then pause for a few weeks.
I have a weekly cleaning woman, who is a lifesaver, freeing me to work instead of clean my house, and making it easier for me to put stuff away, when I don't also have to clean.
I made a resolution to curb my shopping in 2021. I don't buy something unless I need it. That means deciding between want and need. I'm mostly keeping to that resolution. :)
Keep up the good work!
Debra Holland